Looking for Quality Aerial Photography Kitchener Waterloo? Have a property or subdivision to photograph? Michael Messner of Artistic Photography has been providing Professional Photographs for his clients in the Kitchener Waterloo area for a good many years. Messner has the equipment, experience and attitude to get IT done no matter what that entails. With Fast Lenses, faster cameras and meticulous attention to detail Michael is well equipped to complete your assignment. Michael wants to be your Professional Photographer! Whatever you need in a Photographer for your business or family. For top quality Portrait or Business Photography, Just call or email for references and information. If you need a Photograph of your Business Location, or perhaps a Property that you wish to put on the market just give us a call. Messner has been flying over the Kitchener Waterloo Area for many years, and has a large stock of Commercial Photographs. He might have the Photographs that you are looking for on file! If it’s not a stock image he will produce it for you. Working mostly from fixed wing aircraft saves the added expense of helicopters. It is a great convenience to use a helicopter, it is a more stable platform to work from, it is however much more expensive. Messner has extensive experience working from fast moving aircraft. A stabilized camera with fast lenses helps Michael to make the digital capture every time. Once he has the files his partner Mary will edit them to a manageable number for you to view. Once you have made the final selection from the edited files, Mary will apply her years of experience in digital enhancement to your aerial photographs. It’s something of an involved process, time and labor intensive but it guarantees that your Aerial Photographs are the best they can be.. Contact Michael or Mary now. [email protected]